«اعتراف» شعری از ریرا عباسی

“اعتراف” تقدیم میشود به جانباختگان به کودکان و نوجوانانی که برای آزادی به میدان آمدند، به دخترانی که رویاهای مادرانشان را بعد از قرنها تحقق بخشیدند و حماسهای بنام زن زندگی آزادی را خلق کردند. اعتراف تقدیم میشود به مادرانی که عزیزانشان را از دست دادهاند و به جای اینکه کنارشان باشیم با اشکهای دسته جمعی، وادارشان کردن اعتراف کنند در تلخترین روزها و با سناریویی که تکرار شده و تکرار میشود.
ریرا عباسی
تمام دختران خودکشی کردهاند
تمام مادران اعتراف کردهاند
تمام پیراهنها به دروغ سیاه شدهاند
تمام اشکها شادی در خون است
ما تمام قد دروغگویان تاریخیم
ما مادر زاده نشدیم
مهسا نیکا سارینا حدیث مینو هَدیه حنانه هاجر غزاله
ما دختر نزاییده دختربس بودهایم
دانشگاه خودش در بسته خودکشی میکند
زاهدان سالها خودکفاست
به نانِ شب بچهها
از نان ارزانتر، گلوله نثارشان میکنیم
ما دروغگویان تاریخیم
زندان میله و دیوار ندارد
بکتاش هم دروغ بود با آن قُل و زنجیر با آن خندههای بلند
اصلا چه کسی برای آزادی کشته میشود؟
ما تمام قد دروغگویان تاریخیم
جای شاعر زندان نیست
زندان زیادی خلوت است که آتشش زدیم
ما دروغگویان تاریخیم
خودمان به پروازها شلیک میکنیم
شادی که کم نداریم تا کودکان پرواز میکنند
کِل زنان خنده از مرگ سر میدهیم
تو راست میگویی تو راست گفتهای
هیچ مادری فرزند به خون تپیدهاش را به خاک نمیدهد
گفتیم ما تخته سیاهیم
بنویس هر چه خواستی بنویس
بنویس و باور نکن باور کردهایم
این تخته سیاه
هرگز هرگز از خون جوانان پاک نخواهد شد
By: Rira Abbasi
This poem is dedicated to all who lost their lives, to the children and adolescents who came out in support of freedom, to the girls who realized a centuries-long dream of their mothers and created an epic called Women, Life, Freedom. This poem is dedicated to the families who lost loved ones, and instead of being soothed by our collective tears, were coerced to make false confessions, a repeated scenario repeating again.
All the girls have committed suicide
All the mothers have confessed
All the shirts have been tarred by lies
All the tears are blood-soaked happiness
We are fabricators of history, through and through
We’ve never become mothers
Mahsa Nika Sarina Hadis Hadieh Hananeh Hajer Ghazaleh Minoo
without even having girls, we always bear the stigma of enough-girls
We are fabricators of history
students commit suicide behind closed doors on their own
Zahedan has been self-sufficient for years
no child ever goes hungry
cheaper than bread, we send bullets their way
We are fabricators of history
Prisons have no bars
Baktash was also a lie
despite the shackles and chains
and with that booming laugh
Who dies for freedom anyway?
We are liars through and through
a poet’s place is not in prison
Prisons are barely populated and so we set them on fire
We are fabricators of history
We shoot down our own planes
we don’t lack happiness
soon as children fly
we burst into laughter, ululating in celebration of death
You are right, you were right
No mother buries her blood-soaked child’s body
We said we are blackboards, write as you please
write and don’t believe that we’ve believed
This blackboard
Will never wash clean from the blood of the young
Original poem in Persian by Rira Abbasi
Peace Poet & Novelist Founder and director of “The International Festival of peace poetry in Iran
Translation by Bijan Mottahedeh
After the murder of Mahsa Amini at the hands of the Morality Police, widespread protests erupted across Iran, and the girls named in this poem, most not older than sixteen years old, were also brutally killed by the security forces. Their mothers were forced into making false confessions on television, stating that their daughters had committed suicide or had fallen from rooftops.
Zahedan is the capital of Sistan and Baluchestan Province in Iran. In one incident following Mahsa Amini’s murder, the security forces fired at protesters from helicopters, killing many children among others.
Baktash Abtin was a poet sentenced to six years in prison for exercising his right to free speech. He contracted COVID-19 during his term and perished in prison after being denied proper care.
On January 8, 2020, Ukrainian Airlines Flight 752 was shot down by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps shortly after takeoff, killing all 176 passengers and crew aboard, mostly Iranians.
Evin prison, which keeps most of the recent prisoners, was set to fire by the government on 15th October while all the staff left and also denied access to the ambulances to reach and help.